Monday, April 23, 2012

Matthew Kirkpatrick Reading

            Last Wednesday I attended the Matthew Kirkpatrick reading. Not knowing what to expect I went in with an open mind and was completely blown away by his witty writing. While he did not say very much about his stories or how he came to write them he did share that his one tale was based off working for a rather corrupt cell phone company.
            At first I was a little confused by the very abstract style of his first piece that he read for us and frankly was not especially enjoying myself. Yet his second story about working for the cell phone company completely made up for it. Filled with very ironic humor, the story pointed out the corruption in the office in an almost oblivious manner that really worked. I could really picture an office where the employees lazily shuffle papers and secretly hate their job and everyone around them.
            Another rather unconventional aspect of the reading that I believe everyone really enjoyed was the fact that Matthew Kirkpatrick’s parents attended the reading. Having never read his work to them before, he would just smirk and apologize before every inappropriate or vulgar line. This definitely added some humor to the entire situation that everyone (including his parents) got a kick out of.  
            It was really neat to hear him talk about how he worked a very stereotypical office job for years only to give it up in order to pursue writing as a profession. Matthew was also very relatable since he himself graduated from Penn State. I am really glad that it worked out that I attended this reading because I truly enjoyed it and wish to read more of Matthew Kirkpatrick’s work. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Playing God

            Elizabeth raced up the cracked steps in front of her brick dorm building. Frantically, she pulled her swipe card out of her crinkled leather bag with speed she has previously thought impossible. As the door clicked open she dashed through the lobby and into the dingy back staircase.
            Taking a moment to pant against the slick, white wall on the second landing, Elizabeth’s fierce blue eyes fixated on the door ahead. Keep a head on your shoulders, try not to panic. This proved to be easier said that done as Elizabeth approached the door apprehensively. Her sweat drenched palm weakly pulled open the door and Elizabeth slinked into the dimly lit hallway.
            Fluorescent lights buzzed in the ceiling as she came closer and closer to her room. She knew there was not enough time to contact the police. She needed to get her roommate, Alison out of their room before Donna showed up. Placing her hand on the outside of her door, Elizabeth gave a gentle push to find Alison sitting serenely on her bed with her laptop.
            “Alison, please do not ask any questions yet but grab your wallet now. We need to get out of here,” Elizabeth said urgently. With a startled look on her face, Alison jumped out of her bed.
            “Lizzy, what do you mean? What is going on,” Alison’s brown eyes widened in nervousness.
            “I cannot explain right now but please we need to leave. Now.” Elizabeth spoke through gritted teeth as she grabbed Alison’s wallet for her.
            As the pair turned toward the door a familiar face was planted in their path. Donna pushed the door shut behind herself as Elizabeth backed up dragging Alison with her as far towards the window of their room as possible. A warm breeze floated through the room and contrasted sharply with the short, panting breaths Elizabeth could not help but have.
            “Donna, What is going on,” Alison asked, laughing nervously.
            “Your roommate knows exactly what is going on, Alison,” Donna stated in a monotone voice as she slowly inched toward them.  “Your roommate is trying to frame me for something that I absolutely did not and would not do. She is trying to get me fired and I won’t have it.”
            Elizabeth was panic stricken. She wasn’t going to argue with a crazy woman and her mind had gone oddly numb as she began to shake while still holding Alison in a death grip with her left hand. As she began to release her sweaty palm Donna reached a hand into her baggy jean pocket. Elizabeth barely heard the bang as she instantly crumbled to the floor in a heap. Alison’s screams were the last thing she heard and her room to a muddy haze and finally to complete blackness.